Friday, September 4, 2020

Best Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Best Workplace - Essay Example Like its name, Genentech, the organization uses hereditary human data to think of the new medication. This medication is fabricated and offered to emergency clinics and different pharmaceuticals to help in the treatment of patients experiencing incessant illnesses or ailments that for the most part, undermine an individual’s life. For what reason did Genentech rise top six in the hundred? This inquiry rings a bell each time somebody visits the Fortune site. Be that as it may, Genentech figures out how to rise top six as a result of ninety-five percent representative rating in: challenges, environment, rearwards, pride, correspondence, and managers. Genentech is where laborers appreciate group working through gatherings and comparative occasions that unite all the laborers to celebrate in their prosperity and buckle down. This empowers the whole staff to feel acknowledged and to have expanded inspiration just as ability of filling in as a group (â€Å"Accel† n.d; â€Å"Fortune† 2014). On the side of, George Homan’s hypothesis of trade, the organization utilizes reward framework, as a method of persuading their laborers. This is by compensating the representatives with a six-week paid break for at regular intervals a worker works for the organization. Such advantages have empowered the representatives to invest heavily in their activity and assist patients with securing the sort of treatment they merit. Furthermore, the representatives are not separated in light of the fact that responsibility is kept up among all workers. The administrators at the organization, advances great conveying among laborers where grievances can be voiced and issues understood soon before they advance into an emergency that causes dangers in a working spot. Patients that have been served by the company’s representatives are living confirmation that the helpful condition accommodated the workers is responded by the great administrations and extraordinary duty offered (â€Å" Fortune† 2014; Inc. staff 2014). Copies and McDonnell is situated in Kansas City, established in the year 1898.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What part does competition play in people’s daily life

What part does rivalry play in individuals' day by day lives? Playing sports is an important propensity in everybody's normal life. Playing sports Improves our wellbeing and prosperity as well as shows us significant exercises of our tarry lives. Tennis, Cricket, Football and Basketball are sorts of sports which require increasingly physical capacity while chess and poker are the kinds of sports that require progressively mental aptitudes. Various games show us numerous exercises of life while keeping us solid and active.Playing sports conditions the body, yet additionally manufactures social abilities, certainty and aptitudes required In regular living. Take playing ball for instance, In request to play. You should figure out how to spill the ball, how to shoot and most Importantly. Step by step instructions to pass the ball to your partner with progress. This manufactures collaboration by indicating that cooperating will accomplish significantly more than working alone. When playin g sport, the outcomes may not be as significant as the experience you would have picked up, which will extraordinarily impact your life quality and the manner in which you handle things.Sport reserves us fundamental standards of every day life which are required to prevail in a vocation as well. Passing the ball to a partner to win as a group resembles working with your associates to prevail at work, shooting an objective resembles doing your part for the group and spilling the ball past the restriction resembles conquering obstacles you will look in your life. Sports that require increasingly mental abilities, for example, chess and poker show you coherent reasoning and how to keep a quiet brain in troublesome circumstances that emerge throughout everyday life. In chess for instance, you should cautiously design each transition to outfox your opponent.When here is an exceptional circumstance, you can't bear to be apprehensive or on edge, you should have a quiet brain and settle on choices on the most proficient method to handle the issue. The equivalent goes for reality. Winning in sports gives you a wealth of certainty which moves you to continue playing and causes you to feel great about yourself. However losing helps as well, It makes you set an objective and work towards it also to life, this could be getting a specific honor or winning an opposition. Playing sports like chess and poker instruct you to make arrangements at each progression and get ready for the Incidences that happen at each second created life.Sport Is the most fascinating method of learning. At times we gain incredibly from It even without seeing It. It has a few negatives, for example, Injuries yet these are extraordinarily overwhelmed by the advantages. It Is an incredible groundwork for your future life while clearly keeping you fit and sound. BY toadied improves our wellbeing and prosperity however it likewise shows us significant exercises of our day by day lives. Tennis, Cricket, Football and Basketball are sorts of sports which require and aptitudes required in regular living.Take playing b-ball for instance, so as to lay, you should figure out how to spill the ball, how to shoot and above all, how shows us fundamental standards of every day life which are required to prevail in a Job as well. To continue playing and causes you to feel great about yourself. However losing helps as well, it makes make arrangements at each progression and get ready for the occurrences that happen at each second Sport is the most intriguing method of learning. Once in a while we gain incredibly from it even without seeing it. It has a few negatives, for example, wounds yet these are extraordinarily overwhelmed by the advantages. It is an extraordinary groundwork for your future life

Friday, August 21, 2020

4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA

4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA Si ests interesado en estudiar unaâ carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos, los Community Colleges child una opciã ³n a considerar para cursar los dos primeros aã ±os. La estadã ­sticas ponen de calm la importancia de los Community Colleges dentro del sistema universitario de los Estados Unidos. Segã ºn el Community College Research Center, el 45 por ciento de los estudiantes universitarios en el paã ­s realizan sus estudios en uno de esos centros. Esto es, ms de ocho millones de estudiantes, de los cuales ms de la mitad estudian a tiempo parcial. Quã © child los Community Collegesâ El nombre de Community Colleges se refiere an instituciones universitarias que otorgan un Associates Degree al estudiante que finaliza sus estudios y requieren haber completado 60 crã ©ditos en cursos semestrales. Por contra, los schools y universidades otorgan un tã ­tulo universitario en la forma de Bachelorâ's Degree y es necesario haber finalizado 120 crã ©ditos. Los Community Colleges tambiã ©n se conocen con el nombre de Technical Colleges o Junior Colleges, incluso County Colleges. En las diferentes zonas geogrficas de Estados Unidos feed la costumbre de llamarle de distinta forma. En todo caso, es lo mismo. T ambiã ©n se le conoce como instituciones de dos aã ±os, ya que si se estudia a tiempo completo y satisfactoriamente los cursos se finalizan en ese tiempo. Si no ests familiarizado con los Community Colleges y te gustarã ­a realizar estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos, deberã ­as tener en cuenta las siguientes razones para determinar si estudiar los primeros dos aã ±os en ese tipo de instituciã ³n es una buena opciã ³n para ti. El costo de los Community Colleges es mucho ms asequible que el de las Universidades de 4 aã ±os El ahorro puede ser muy grande y servir para pagar gastos como alimentaciã ³n, libros de texto, viajes, and so forth. La mayorã ­a de los Community Colleges child pã ºblicos, aunque tambiã ©n los feed privados. Estos à ºltimos child ms caros, pero siguen siendo un ahorro remarkable en comparaciã ³n con Universidades y Colleges. Adems, en la mayorã ­a de los estados feed una diferencia en el precio de la matrã ­cula (educational cost) entre in state y out of state. Los que califican como in state, es decir, los residentes en ese estado generalmente agnostic mucho menos que los de out of state (aunque no siempre es asã ­). Ciudadanos, residentes, refugiados y asilados que vivan en un determinado estado y cumplan con requisitos adicionales que dependen de cada estado pueden calificar para una matrã ­cula in state. Si los indocumentados califican o no para esa calificar depende del estado. Pero en muchos de ellos, sã ­ que se pueden beneficiar y pagar como in state, si realmente residen en el estado. (Si eres un muchacho o muchacha indocumentadoâ calificado como Dreamer y todavã ­a no has aplicado por la Acciã ³n Diferida, considera hacerlo y valora sus posibles ventajas). Los estudiantes internacionales (visas F-1 o M-1) deben pagar como out of state.â Ejemplo de ahorro en coste de pago de matrã ­cula en junior college frente a universidad La Universidad de Texas es pã ºblica y prestigiosa con muchos centros. Estudiar en su grounds de cuatro aã ±os de Austin tiene un costo de matrã ­cula anual para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014â de $34,722 para los estudiantes out of state. Y de $9,798 para los inâ state. En comparaciã ³n, Central Texas Community College, tambiã ©n pã ºblico, tiene un costo por aã ±o para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014 de $6,270 para estudiantes out of state y de $2,130 para los que pueden calificar como in state. En comparaciã ³n, Rice University, tambiã ©n radicada en Texas pero privada, tiene un costo de matrã ­cula anual para el mismo periodo de $40,665, para todo tipo de estudiantes, ya que al ser una instituciã ³n privada no hace distinciones entre residentes en el estado y los que no lo child a la hora de determinarâ cunto cuesta la matrã ­cula en ms de 1,000 Community Colleges Menores exigencias en los testsâ de ingreso, como TOEFL, SATS o similares Aunque cada centro tiene sus propias reglas, en general admiten estudiantes con resultados ms bajos en los exmenes estandarizados como TOEFL, SATS y equivalentes. O puede suceder que incluso no sean un requisito. Adems, conviene tener en cuenta que los que child pã ºblicos pueden tener normas que los obliguen an aceptar dentro de su sistema a los estudiantes residentes en el estado que han obtenido su graduaciã ³n de secondary school o equivalente, tipo GED. Esto no sucede con los estudiantes internacionales ni con los residentes de otros estados de la Uniã ³n Americana. Pero sã ­ que merece resaltar que los requisitos de ingreso child, en general, ms fciles de obtener que los que piden las universidades y schools de cuatro aã ±os. Por lo tanto, para los estudiantes que todavã ­a no se sienten cã ³modos acadã ©micamente con el inglã ©s, los Community Colleges pueden ser una gran opciã ³n. Excelente oportunidad para familiarizarse con el sistema educativo universitario de los Estados Unidos Los estudios en un Community College child dos aã ±os en los que se puede mejorar notablemente el conocimiento del inglã ©s y sus particularidades acadã ©micas. Adems, brinda la oportunidad de conocer y entender el sistema de crã ©ditos, requisitos, reas de concentraciã ³nâ (mayors), titulaciones, and so on. Esto puede ser recomendable para los estudiantes extranjeros que no han cursado ningã ºn aã ±o de secondary school en Estados Unidos y desconocen el sistema de estudios. Ofrecen una titulaciã ³n en sã ³lo dos aã ±os El tã ­tulo que se gana al completar los crã ©ditos es el de Associates Degree y se conoce como Diploma o Certificate. En muchos casos es suficiente para desempeã ±ar profesiones como algunos tipos bsicos de enfermerã ­a, maestro de educaciã ³n temprana, paralegal, tã ©cnico de laboratorio, and so on. En otros, se puede utilizar como un trampolã ­n para acceder an una universidad o school de cuatro aã ±os y asã ­ ganar una titulaciã ³n universitaria completa. Si ests pensando en aplicar, recuerda que es conveniente hacerlo a ms de una (entre seis y ocho o incluso diez se considera prctica estndar). Y estos child losâ ocho tipos de documentaciã ³n que vas a necesitar para aplicar a la universidadâ y a muchos schools, por lo que es muy importante planear con tiempo. A pesar de las ventajas que supone estudiar en un Community College y por lo que deberã ­a ser una opciã ³n a considerar, tambiã ©n roughage que tener presente los siguientes inconvenientes Posible dificultadâ para hacer un move an una universidad de cuatro aã ±os No todas las universidades y schools aceptan estudiantes que han realizado parte de sus estudios en otra instituciã ³n. O, si los aceptan, imponen condiciones duras para transferir los crã ©ditos ya estudiados. Por esta razã ³n, si lo que se pretende es estudiar una carrera de cuatro aã ±os es obligatorio  asegurarse saberâ cuntas universidades y garantizan la admisiã ³n de los estudiantes del Community College que se est considerando como unaâ opciã ³nâ para estudiar los dos primeros aã ±os. La admisiã ³n est garantizada siempre y cuando se haya cursado un determinado nã ºmero de crã ©ditos y el GPA (calificaciã ³n media de los cursos realizados) estã © dentro del mã ­nimoâ aceptado por la Universidad. Adems, roughage universidades que aceptan de buena gana estudiantes internacionales provenientesâ de Community Colleges prestigiosos por considerar que ya conocen el sistema acadã ©mico americano. Eso puede ser asã ­ aunque no tengan firmado ningã ºn acuerdo. En estos casos va a depender de la calidad y mã ©ritos de los estudiantes. Para evitar problemas en los move analizar en detalle los Community Colleges que pueden ser una opciã ³n.â En el caso de estudiantes internacionales preguntar quã © tipo de apoyo tienen para acomodarse al sistema de vida americano y para mejorar en el inglã ©s. Opciones de visa para los estudiantes internacionales La visa de estudiante ms comã ºn es la F-1 y, en el caso de estudios vocacionales, la M-1. Pero a veces ms que estudiar una carrera lo que se quiere es practicar el inglã ©s y vivir unos meses en USA. En estos casos es recomendable tener en cuenta losâ distintos programas que conforman la visa J-1 de intercambio, ya que en algunos casos podrã ­an ser convenientes.â Otra opciã ³n para los estudiantes que viven en Mã ©xico o Canad cerca de la frontera es solicitar una visa F-3, que les permite conocer el sistema educativo estadounidense sin necesidad de tener que vivir en los Estados Unidos. Posibles problemas para sacar la visa de estudiante Si el dinero no es un problema y te han admitido de una buena universidad de cuatro aã ±os, acepta. Los Community Colleges child una buena opciã ³n, dependiendo de las caracterã ­sticas de cada estudiante, incluso pueden ser la mejor opciã ³n en casos de inglã ©s limitado o cuando el dinero va muy justo. Pero si roughage la oportunidad de ir an una buena universidad, esa deberã ­a ser siempre la primera opciã ³n. Adems, si eres estudiante internacional, aplicar para un Community College puede ser visto como sospechoso por el oficial consular que debe aprobar la visa de estudiante. Es importante conocer las causas que pueden convertir an una persona en inelegible para una visa no inmigrante, entre las que se encuentra la de estudiante. Adems, estas sonâ 22 causas que convierten an una persona en inadmisible para ingresar an Est

Business Research For Business

Question: Examine about the Business Research For Business. Answer: Presentation So as to draw the consideration of vacationers, the visitor market of Australia has been related this game plan of the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast which is a productive chance. Quantitative information would be expanded considering examination of reports considering the recorded number of settlement properties in Gold Coast moreover on required enhancements and advancements of motel properties in the region (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2014). By the day's end, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia impact and motivation travelers to value a specific assistance in an instigated period. To execute this assessment destinations, requests and investigation procedure will be discussed around here research. Taking everything into account, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia influence deals particularly at the time of celebrations. Also, Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and its settlement properties upgrade a chance to try another help of a checked traveler market of Aus tralia through restrictive courses of action convenience properties(Fink, 2012). In this exploration proposition, the criticalness of Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and convenience properties on the visit market of Australia will be analyzed. Therefore, the connection between the need of guest and administration of visit industry of Australia will be depicted in this examination proposition. The subjective information would be generally expanded considering meeting the directors of Hilton Surfers Paradise. Moreover, every single part identified with the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia and visit prerequisite in Australia will be broke down in this exploration proposition. So as to look at system, Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel the executives have been used for meeting the investigation goals would involve both social affair meets moreover the examination of auxiliary information associated with the appraisal of reports(Norris, 2016). Diagram of research study: In this article basically the ominous effect of the climatic change has been featured on Queensland and furthermore on Gold Coast. In any case, the diary exhibits the focal troubles that Gold Coast angles and the recommendations for upgrading the feasibility of the business in Gold Coast. Other than that, it has in like manner been featured that the climb in the sea level has sabotaged the lifestyles and properties of Queensland. At present, it has been discovered that the Gold Coast has a bigger number of houses than some other part in Queensland. At the end of the day, the particular article habitats that the travel industry business of Queensland is at peril in light of climatic change. Thusly, in excess of 3,500 private structures in the Gold Coast are at risk. All things considered, it has been seen that an enormous segment of the houses in the Gold Coast exists in 100 meter of erodible coastline (Masny, D, 2016). Diagram of methodological methodology: These coordinates the records of the administration of Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel and its game plans and technique that are related to the money related headway, bunch organizing, urban layout and genuine system adventures. However, this particular research work has been done on the reason of the account research of the auxiliary materials. In other sense, this incorporates passing by the field to the minor and genuine prosperity or potentially data center points concerning provincial and urban. In addition, the story look into is enhanced by the spatial examination. Review of research system: In this article, the particular analyst has chosen one and only basic research methodology and that is examination of the correct composing review. Moreover, examine framework aggregates information through explicit information assortment strategies. So as to direct an amazing examination, a specialist may collect premise information and can look at the accumulated information and information to accomplish a particular end. Outline of information assortment strategies: In this manner, in this exploration work, subjective examination has been accomplished with a particular ultimate objective to investigation the amassed information. At the end of the day, to lead explicit research, the analyst has assembled information from the optional resources. Also, this joins the relevant examination on Gold Coast, books related to the exploration subject, destinations, past records and articles. Ramifications of research for the proposed look into venture: As needs be, this examination study and its disclosures will similarly help the specialist in the proposed look into work, as the revelations will aggregate information as for the open entryways for Gold Coast that will expand the presence of the guests in a gainful manner. As it were, the particular research work will consider substitute urban zones that are basically taking into account travel and the travel industry dependence. Aside from that the revelations of this examination paper will help in feasible application for the social affair of Gold Coast City by giving fundamental review as for the fortifying of back and forth movement tasks and procedures of the Council on learning locales (Australia, 2006). Review of research study: This examination study has been acted taking into account the review of the widespread guests who visit Australia. Other than that, this specific diary quarterly closes the all inclusive visitor study for the period of June 2013. In addition, this Journal essentially shows the reasons besides endorses two or three endeavors by completing which the passage of the worldwide guests in Australia has extended. In other sense, this will comparatively assist the analyst with anticipating the example of the travel industry or amounts of guests who will visit Gold Coast in future. As such, this particular article grasps the clarifications behind extended amounts of guests in Australia (Grand, S. what's more, Jonas, W. 2012). Diagram of methodological methodology: As indicated by the particular article, it has been discovered that the International Visitor Survey (IVS) addresses the most extensive wellspring of information as for the worldwide guests to the country Australia. Likewise, The IVS trial of 35,000 pull back transient worldwide explorers who are developed 18 years and progressively and who have been passing by Australia. Then again, these join the Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane, Perth, Cairns, Adelaide, Sydney and Gold Coast and incorporates the overview of worldwide guests and for this a modified model size has been picked. The study of the predefined examine work has been performed by Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing in the flight spreads of eight important worldwide air terminals. On the reason of the overview, quantitative investigation of the assembled information to direct a fruitful research. Diagram of research technique: In this article, the particular specialist has chosen one and only research system and that is the review investigation (Mann, T. 2005). Other than that, an exploration is considered as the practical strategy just if the procedure contains look into focuses and objectives, investigate requests and information assortment resources. Also, this overview philosophy moreover encourages the analyst to amass general points of view of people. Also, in a convincing examination method, an analyst may gather establishment information. At the end of the day, the review investigation technique enables the specialist of the exploration to concentrate to collect quantitative information. In spite of the fact that, in this particular article, look into requests are given and can investigation the assembled information to accomplish a particular end (Pei, J. 2013). Diagram of information assortment techniques: The study was included 100 requests that were reinforced by 'show postcards' in order to control the individuals from the study to respond to the appropriate response in some specific zones. Then again, the scientist of the particular research work has driven a review. Furthermore, this review the analyst has assembled various information and information as for the exploration point and these specific reaches consolidate repeat appearance, basic spot of home, gathering visits, socioeconomics, works out, use, travel get-together, transportation and accommodation, inspirations driving visit. As far as hotspots for achieving information with respect to Australia can be said that the information and information were accumulated by coordinating an overview and these information were bankrupt somewhere near the analyst quantitatively. Ramifications of research for the proposed inquire about venture As needs be, this exploration study and its revelations will help the specialist in the proposed look into work, as the disclosures will amass information concerning the principle troubles that Gold Coast faces. It will likewise recommend the movements for improving the ampleness of the business in Gold Coast (Phillips, P. what's more, Stawarski, C. 2008). Diagram of research study: As indicated by the article, with the fast improvement of Gold Coast into a vacationer usage city of an enormous segment of a million people and to upgrade the lifestyle, economy and method of the city. What's more, the diary chiefly exhibits the open entryways for Gold Coast that will widen the presence of the guests in a capable manner. Regarding approaches that rise up out of the vision of Gold Coast City Council concerning a sound city that preferences from learning based urban improvement. Likewise, open entryways in the headway of the creating cosmopolitan city as a strong and data city. Despite the fact that, this furthermore dissects the potential for the headway of a framework containing more diminutive centers with dynamic vehicle. Other than that, this examination work generally features on greater prosperity and learning centers close by rule roads. Along these lines, it can in like manner be said that this exploration work gives a progressively planned (Svarcas, A. what' s more, Cass, B. 2008). Outline of methodological methodology: These incorporates the a

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How to Be a Better Essay Writer - How to Make Your Essay Topic Special

How to Be a Better Essay Writer - How to Make Your Essay Topic SpecialFun home essay topics are great ways to make the essay easier and the reader work harder for every word that you have spelt. However, it is important to remember that the format should be such that you can always include some ideas as well as facts that is relevant to the topic. This makes the essay easy to read.You can put some ideas in your essay but also make it a simple yet interesting topic. Write on fun home topic so that it would not look dull and boring. It should be made as if it was written by an average person who is curious about the subject.The subjects of these popular topics are technology, politics, healthcare, and more. You can explore these topics and decide which would be more interesting to the reader. Do not worry that these topics are very common. All these topics can be used effectively for essays.You can always spice up the topics that you write by making them more unique and interesting by putting in your own unique ways. Just be creative in all areas of the essay topic that you choose. You can add a personal touch by using many types of fonts to make your essay interesting.When writing an essay about a topic that has been popular for a long time, it becomes easy to write the essay on that topic because the theme of the topic itself is quite obvious. Since the topic is well-known, you will not have to worry too much about how to do the essay. What you can do is to find your topics and write something in a way that it will be more interesting to the reader.Some of the essay topics that people use for school essays are quite easy to write. Since they are already popular, you will not have to worry too much about it. Once you make your essay unique, it will become easier for you to come up with a theme that you can include in the essay topic.All you need to do is to find an essay topic that you feel good writing about. Come up with a lot of ideas on your own to make the essay interesting. After you have enough ideas on the topic, try to come up with the best possible theme that you can write about. Make sure that the essay is presented in a way that it will catch the attention of the reader.Make sure that you make sure that the topic that you write is something that you like to read. You do not want to be writing a boring topic. You will be able to make it fun and interesting by incorporating the theme that you will be writing on.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Todays Society In The Great Gatsby - Free Essay Example

Could you imagine living in a time where racism and wealth affects peoples opinion on you? In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the reader begins to pick up on flaws in that society that relate to todays society. There are many flaws that can be touched on, but I am only going to talk about two of them. One flaw is that only the rich have a say in what goes on. The second flaw is the racism going on. Both The Great Gatsby and today society are flawed in racism and that the rich are the only people that matter. In The Great Gatsby one of the biggest flaw is that Gatsby portrays from the beginning of the book is that he craves acceptance from the wealthy. He creates a false image of old wealth to gain acceptance from those in West and East egg. Which is when accepted you have to have money. In Gatsbys younger and more vulnerable years his father gave him some advice that he has been turning over in his mind ever since. Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, he told me, Just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had (Fitzgerald 1-3). It is a lot easier to be morally upright when youre not pinching and barely getting by, which makes the immorality of the wealthy even more unforgivable. They have every advantage in the world, and they cannot even be nice people? When you have money you not only get acceptance you also think that you cannot get in trouble or think that people will just take the blame for you. During the book when Daisy and Gatsby were driving, Daisy had hit Myrtle (Toms mistress) and just drove off without stopping. Once they had gotten back to the house Gatsby had said that he would take the blame for it if they had questioned them. Grantatted he was in love with her even if he was not he probably still would have taken the blame. This does not only happen in the book this also has happened in the real world. A teenager had killed multiple people and was let off without anything and his family was very wealthy. Is this just a coincidence probably not. Last week a Texas judge decided not to send a t eenager from a well-off family to prison after he killed four people while driving drunk (New York Times). If anyone else would have killed that many people due to drunk driving they would have been they would a minimum of 93 days in jail. A large flaw from this book that is even happening in our world today is racism. During this time they didnt think anything less than this and didnt think anything was wrong with this. Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions, and next theyll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white( Fitzgerald 130). During this moment in time this could have possibly have been the worst thing that could have happened. It is different to be two white people to get married or two black people to get married, but if you want to be disowned by your family or be an outcast to society than you might as well marry someone of a different race. Not only is this a problem for the parents but the kids are going to have a very hard time being accepted because they are mixed. They do not have one prominent race. White people are very arrogant as you can tell through their actions, but this is a whole new level.Its up to us, who are the dominate rac es will have control of things ( Fitzgerald 13). As many white people think that they are the dominant race they are wrong and here is why. They is no such thing as a dominant race because everyone is different. If every race was the same there still would be a dominant race because everyone has their strengths and weakness. Young white men smashing windows, overturning cars, and battling police after a big athletic event are revelers, out of control fans. But a group of mostly African American youth who do similar things out of sorrow and rage that a young black man has died in police custody are dangerous thugs. The Great Gatsby and todays society have many flaws, but the big ones are racism and that the rich are the only people that matter and are not punished for their actions. The wealthy are getting away with their actions and nothing is being done to stop them. Racism is still a big part in todays society and the African American community is being targeted and attacked, maybe not as bad as it used to be but still enough to make an impact. These topics are still affecting many people today and it needs to be stopped. People are getting away with these actions for too long and nothing is being done to end this. If their actions were to be brought up maybe just maybe something could finally be done. Finally racism could be put to an end and the wealthy would have to deal with the same consequences as everyone else.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Questions On The Possibility Of Evil - 1592 Words

Siu Lan Huang Wu Short Story Project Written-response questions The Possibility of Evil - Do you think that Dave does the right thing by sending the letter to Don Crane in person? Why or why not? Miss Strangeworth thinks she has to watch over her town. She thinks she has to fix everything in her town because she sees evil where there is none. Because of Ms. Strangeworth paranoid of fixing things,she sends anonymous letters hoping she could stop the trouble. However, one day she drops a letter and Dave picks the letter sending it to Don Crane. I think Dave does the right thing by sending the letter to Don Crane. Someone has to stop what Ms. Strangeworth is doing, otherwise more people could get hurt. - Why does Ms. Strangeworth think that others in the town are evil? I think is because first, Ms. Strangeworth thinks she is flawless without any drop of evilness. Second, because of her arrogance makes her thinks that everyone else is evil and cruel. Ms. Strangeworth’s ego makes her blind and incapable to see what is really people like in her town. She wants her town to be perfect,therefore she thinks that everybody and everything is decrepit. - Did you find the ending of the story satisfying? How would you change it if you were given the chance? I find the ending totally satisficing. Ms. Strangeworth gets what she deserves because of the letters she sends. IfShow MoreRelated Descartes philosophy Essay789 Words   |  4 Pages Descartes’ â€Å"evil genius scenario† provides the possibility for the existence of an evil genius that is in control of our world in place on an omnipotent god. By in control, I mean that he would in some magical way compose our lives by his own will, thus making any certain knowledge about material objects impossible. This scenario presents some real questions with Descartes’ argument because it basically completely rules out the possibility of any god. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We are imaginingRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson Analysis784 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout her short stories, â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†, Shirley Jackson shocks readers with her unthinkable plot twists. During both stories, they begin very peaceful and calm but as you near the end, your view of both readings completely change. Throughout â€Å"The Lottery† if you win the lottery that year you will be sacrificed, which no one would believe would happen as the title has a positive connotation; also, â€Å"The Possibility of Evil† starts out with a nice older woman enjoying herRead MoreEssay on The Problem with Evil in Religion1259 Words   |  6 PagesThe problem of evil is widely considered as the most detrimental problem to the monotheist. It is also the primary objection to the overall existence of God. The problem is very easy to comprehend: If God is an all-perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful deity then why do we live in a world with any imperfection or negativity at all? Why do bad things happen at all? Especially to the good people in the world and the millions of innocent people who suffer on a daily basis. Gottfreid Leibniz was a philosopherRead MoreEvil And The Existence Of Evil Essay1478 Words   |  6 PagesEvil and miracles, can they both exist in our modern everyday life? Evil s existence has no doubt to be present due to all the horrors we have heard about or witnessed. While as for miracles, the existence is constantly questioned if they exist and what classifies as a true miracle. These concepts battle with theism and cause a great uproar to the existence of a powerful, omnipotent, and omniscient being. The definition of evil is the absence of good while the definition of a miracle is an unexpectedRead MoreA comparison of Augustinian Theodicy and Irenaean Theodicy1499 Words   |  6 PagesThe problem of evil is a significant and enduring philosophical and theological debate. A question is often raised and discussed: if God is both all-loving and all-powerful, then how can evils-including natural evil and moral evil---exist in our world? In response to the charge that the evils of the world are incompatible with Gods omnipotence and perfect goodness, the wordtheodicy is coined to deal with the problem of evil. Usually it is an attempt to show that it is possible to affirm the omnipotenceRead MoreEvil : The Problem Of Evil720 Words   |  3 Pagesin a world where evil exists, it is logically impossible and that is what created the problem of evil. Problem of Evil: There are two sides of the problem of evil which are the logical and evidential arguments. The logical side states that as long as evil and suffering exists in this world there is no God. That does not only contradict with the idea of God being â€Å"all-good†, but also him being â€Å"all-knowing† and â€Å"all-powerful† as well. Because, if God only desires good, then how evil was formed unlessRead MoreDavid Humes Dialogues Analysis1451 Words   |  6 PagesDavid Hume in his famous work called Dialogues concerning natural religion he questions himself about the god: can we prove his existence and know what he looks like. He says about the first question as pretty obvious and tries to give a rational description of him by using three characters: Demea, Cleanthes and Philo. Hume’s conclusion on behalf of his character – Philo, seems to be very interesting regarding about the nature of God, in particular his moral attributes. I will argue that the Hume’sRead MorePhilosophies Relationship to Death Essay971 Words   |  4 Pagesother options are most certainly evils; owing money that he does not have to people he does not want to pay, being sent away from his friends, his family, his city and his home to go to a foreign land, or imprisonment. His beliefs, though, and his teachings seem most valuable to him and any interference with these by his accusers would be the worst evil, as this is what he believes God has willed him to do. On the other hand, death does not constitute a certain evil and death may not interfere withRead MoreThe Problem of Evil Essay examples957 Words   |  4 PagesThe Problem of Evil A) For what reasons may suffering create philosophical problems for a religious believer? (10) B) Outline two solutions to these problems and comment on their success (10) A) The problem of suffering has been around since the dawn of time, or as religious philosophers believe; since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. The first problem that arises from evil is that we believe that the God of classical theism has certain attributesRead MoreIdeas of Nature Versus Nurture in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein669 Words   |  3 PagesWhen asked this question; are people born blank slates that are formed by experiences and their surrounding environment, or are we born with specific traits? This brings up the question of genetics; can people be born with evil traits? As Mary Shelley writes Frankenstein, we can see little details in Victor’s childhood that could indicate he was shaped by his surroundings and not born with evil characteristics. As children grow up they start to form ideas about what is good, bad, and right or wrong

Monday, May 18, 2020

Capital Punishment A Controversial Topical - 1621 Words

Capital punishment is a highly controversial topical. According to Benjet and Kazdin (2002), capital punishment can be defined as a child receiving a spank, an open-handed hit, on the buttocks that does not leave a lasting mark. The main theme of arguments in favor of capital punishment is in reference to its quick allowance of acceptance. On the other hand, the theme for arguments against capital punishment focuses on the long term effects of it. The stigma around spanking your child has changed over time. What used to be widely accepted is now argued against by many psychologists, saying that it will lead to long-term deficiencies within the child. The claim that positive reinforcement is a much stronger force of motivation that positive punishment. It can be hard for a child to understand what action is associated with spanking as it is likely done spur of the moment by the parent. It can cause lasting negative effects for the relationship between parent and child. The negative ef fects of spanking are cyclic and build on each other to produce outcomes that can be very detrimental to a developing child and that hinder the relationships between parent and child. Children are influenced greatly by their parents; from the moment they are born they are learning how to deal with everyday instances successfully from them. In terms of corporal punishment, Simons and Wurtele (2010) examined the relationship between a child’s approval of it based on their parent’sShow MoreRelated Is Mores Utopia a Product of Its Time? Essay2077 Words   |  9 Pageshow this 500 year old text has inspired the literate world with its inspired and fully realised criticism of not only Mores society under the rule of Henry VIII but of every civilised society known to man. Communists have held the consistently topical and idealistic references held within the description of Utopia, and Utopias flourishing society as testimony to the ideals of the Marxist manifesto. Catholic s have long maintained that Mores Utopia was a direct result of his catholic faith and theRead MoreSociology and Group41984 Words   |  168 Pagesgroup. c. Make them chair of a subcommittee. d. Give them special, individual assignments. e. Let them know how much you like them as friends. Answer: b. Tell them how valuable they are to the group. . Expectancy-Value Theory a. explains that punishments and rewards serve different motivational purposes in groups. b. explains why the probability of achieving a goal is as important as the goal itself. c. explains why some women have low achievement needs and fear success. d. explains why groupRead MoreAnalysis of the Causes and Measures of Curbing Fraud in the Banking Sector25289 Words   |  102 Pageswas recommended that The bank s control system should be of high priority both at management and operational levels, the regulatory authorities have a responsibility of exposing staff to the dynamics of modern day banking operations, The level of punishment meted out to fraudsters is not commensurate enough to deter others from committing such crimes in the future. The penalties already in place should be reviewed. In this regard, a Nigerian version of the Sarbanes Oxley act must be enacted and sinceRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesgovernment is better than no government is controversial and open to refutation. d. The issue of whether an oppressive government is better than no government is a position open to refutation. ────11 The topic is oppressive governments. The issue is whether an oppressive government is better than no government. One position on that issue is the claim that an oppressive government actually is better than no government. This claim is controversial. Thus you should select c as the answer toRead MoreHow to Write a Business Report Essay18530 Words   |  75 Pagesplease contact me . . .’ Chapter 5 Reports and proposals Some writers will include a brief mention of their recommendations in the letter or memo. Whether you decide to do so will depend on factors such as whether your recommendations are controversial and you would prefer the reader to read the rationale behind them before being confronted with them, as well as on space constraints. If the report is transmitted internally, within the organisation, then a memo of transmittal, in standard memoRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pages and other important developments in the international management field. Given the changing nature of global work, and the interconnected nature of the geographic, thematic, and functional challenges of global management, we have integrated many topical areas—such as offshoring and outsourcing—throughout the book to emphasize these trends as they pertain to today’s and tomorrow’s international managers. For example, we continue to increase emphasis on emerging ma rkets and the importance of now recognizedRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pagesseveral languages—some without prior knowledge of the authors and publisher. That edition also changed its title to Library and Information Center Management to more accurately reflect a broader focus and to incorporate a deeper discussion on each topical chapter, with new materials, features, topics, examples, and insights. The fifth edition identified trends, updated discussion of research and theories, and was greatly expanded to include many more examples of practice in modern libraries and informationRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesexplains the financial success of the firms that are highly effective?† The five most powerful predictors were identified and assessed. They included market share (assuming that the higher the market share of a firm, the higher its profitability); firm capital intensity (assuming that the more a firm is automated and up-to-date in technology and equipment, the more profitable it is); size of the firm in assets (assuming that economies of scale and efficiency can be used in large firms to increase profitability);Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesCost cutting led to strong profits and sales, but customer satisfac- tion ratings were dismal and associate morale was low. HR’s role turned to assistance with developing better controls and more efficient systems. Nardelli left in 2006 with a controversial severance package worth millions. Current Chairman Frank Blake is in the process of turning the pyramid back upside-down with focus on customers and store associates. He announced an initiative called â€Å"aprons on the floor† with the goal of increasingRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesauthority of others.25 Others obey because those in power have an administrative apparatus that threatens non- compliance with some form of punishment, including the withholding of resources and privileges or the use of physical force.26 Weber argues that no system of domination is satisï ¬ ed to have compliance based only on habit, self-interest, or threat of punishment. â€Å"Every system,† he says, â€Å"attempts 12 RASTAFARI to establish and cultivate the belief in its legitimacy.†27 Wherever this

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Internet and the Workplace - 1937 Words

The Internet and the Workplace The Internet has become a pervasive presence in the American workplace. Two-thirds of employees in medium and large companies in the United States now have Internet access, compared with fifteen percent only two years ago, according to a sampling of 500 companies surveyed by the IntelliQuest Corporation. (IntelliQuest) Workers with Web access typically spend five to ten hours per week sending personal e-mail or searching for information not specifically related to their jobs. Popular entertainment sites, such as ESPNs Sport Zone, where visitors can check sport scores, and POGO where they can play games sustain heavy traffic during the work day. As everything from CDs to cars go on sale over the Web,†¦show more content†¦Because of the potential hazards of using e-mail, employers must caution employees about what they write when communicating via e-mail. Also, employers must decide whether to allow some personal use of the workplace e-mail system, and employers must decide w hether to monitor workplace e-mail. Employees have been fired or disciplined for surfing the workplace Internet and for visiting objectionable sites. In fact, a 1997 survey of employers, conducted by PC World, revealed that 20% had disciplined employees for inappropriate Internet use by suspending their Internet use or discharging them. For example, a Washington, D.C. law firm suspended an employees Internet privileges when the firm discovered that he was using his desktop computer to access pornographic materials via the Internet. (Martin) He had sent a pornographic image from the Internet to a printer, where a co-worker saw it and complained to management. Also, an employee of a state agency was fired for repeated visits to sexually-explicit Internet sites on the agencys computer after he had been warned to stop. (Martin) It upset me that someone was spending so much time digging into my personal Web site and reading everything and giving it to my boss. . . I didnt feel like my bo ss needed to act like my parents.[Employees position regarding her employers reaction to her personal web site] (Martin) Another question arises regarding employees Internet activity which isShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Usage At Workplace1320 Words   |  6 PagesPrior to the Internet, employees would have limited activities they could perform when using the computer at work, however with the advance of technology the computer and the Internet enabled a wide range of tools employees can work with. These technological developments have a huge impact, both positive and negative, and are also affecting the way Internet is being used in the workplace. On the positive side, the Internet improved the way employers and employees communicate in the workplace, providingRead MoreInternet And The Workplace Essay1857 Words   |  8 PagesThe Internet and the Workplace The Internet has become a pervasive presence in the American workplace. Two-thirds of employees in medium and large companies in the United States now have Internet access, compared with fifteen percent only two years ago, according to a sampling of 500 companies surveyed by the IntelliQuest Corporation. (IntelliQuest) Workers with Web access typically spend five to ten hours per week sending personal e-mail or searching for information not specifically relatedRead MoreThe Rights and Ethics of Employees with Respect to Privacy at Work788 Words   |  4 Pagessuch as the Internet has prompted many employers to engage in electronic surveillance of their employees. Employers are monitoring—and even recording—employees’ personal phone calls, e-mails, and workplace conversations. Video cameras are trained on employee parking lots, break areas, and other parts of the workplace. Today’s employers have the legal right to conduct search and seizure of employees’ personal property; monitor the employee’s telephone calls, workplace computer, Internet, fax use, andRead MoreMonitoring and Survellaince of Employees642 Words   |  3 Pagesthe key benefits of monitoring employee computer activity is maximising workplace productivity. In today’s society, most wo rkers spend the majority of their time on their computers and on the Internet. This issue has great prevalence in modern society, as a recent survey found that one out of every eight American workers spend two or more hours per day writing and reading personal e-mails and using their work-based Internet connection for non-work related activities (Towns amp; Johnson, 2003, pRead MoreProposal For Monitoring Employee Use1131 Words   |  5 PagesMEMORANDUM To: Workplace IT Department From: Kyle Breimayer Date: September 23, 2015 RE: Proposal for Monitoring Employee use of Technology in the Workplace Introduction In today’s working world, there are almost no boundaries anymore between the technologies employees used for business and the ones used for pleasure. In fact, 64% of employees say they use the Internet for personal interest during working hours (Office Slacker Stats, 2015). Not to mention, advances in technology have helped employersRead MoreBusiness Ethics And Ethical Practices1503 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness ethics and ethical practices have been focuses by many businesses in recent years. Business ethics can help the company to create and develop it workplace culture as well as to increase the productivity of employees. Due to the rapidly change and improvement of technologies, ethical practices within of the workplace have also been changed with the raising of new ethical issues. Many studies and researchers have indicated that it is very importance to identify and understand the impact ofRead MoreThe Impact Of Communication Technology955 Words   |  4 Pagesproductiv ity and efficiency in the workplace. When cellular phones were first put on the market they were only able to make and take calls. Now cell phones can check emails, make video calls, purchase items, sell items and storage vast amounts of information. Tablets and laptops are another great technological advancement that are helping business’ run more effectively. Tablets and laptops allow you to take your work anywhere at any time. Social networking and the Internet have changed the way companiesRead MoreEssay on Social Media Policies Within Organizations1750 Words   |  7 Pagesemployee morale, increases work efficiency, and creates an environment that encourages innovation. Many companies do not allow their employees to check their social media or conduct workplace internet leisure browsing. The employers’ justification for this ban is that employees who are casually surfing the internet or updating their social media are not focused on the task given to them, which harms productivity. According to one study, organizations that give their employees access to FacebookRead MoreIs Technology Beneficial Or Dangerous?1541 Words   |  7 Pagesbenefits of technology such as education, warfare, the workplace, and transportation. â€Å"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself† (Dewey, John). Education is the one of the most important aspects of human life. Technology takes education to an infinite level by adding programs that allow students to research, complete and inquire. The first major advancement of technology that truly jumpstarted education was the internet. The internet opened up an entire encyclopedia for any personRead MoreEmployee Privacy Essay1215 Words   |  5 Pagespractice some type of Internet usage policy of what the company regards as suitable usage of the company’s resources to gain access to the Internet and what privacy rights their employees may or may not have. In todays place of work, employees individual civil liberties are being infringed upon because organizations are monitoring and examining their employees undertakings. Actions range from e-mails, keystrokes, phone calls, and Internet use. In addition, workplace monitoring is on the rise

Nutrient Availability from Grassland-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Nutrient availability from Grassland. Answer: Grasslands The ecosystem that is dominated by the grass-like plants such as sedges and rushes and vegetation are called the grasslands. The grasslands are distributed throughout all the regions of the world except Antarctica. It is estimated that about 25 to 40 percent of the Earths lands are covered with the grassland areas. The grasslands are broadly divided into temperate and tropical. The temperate grassland is found in the zones of the cold winters and warm-to- hot summers. They are the soils of huge fertility. However, the plants found in the temperate regions are often nutrient limited. The reason behind this is most of the nitrogen available in the soils cannot be utilized by the plants (Leff et al, 2015). When the plowing disrupts the the soil then the nutrients can be made available to the soil. Grasslands are the ideal candidates for crop production owing to high soil fertility and gentle topography. Tropical grasslands, on the other hand, have warm and dry climatic conditions and ar e often pronounced with the wet and dry seasons. The soils of the tropical grassland are less fertile than the temperate soils. This is due to the reason of the high amount of rainfall that the regions receive. Most of the shrubs and trees are found with high density in the tropical areas (La Pierre, Joern Smith, 2015). Grasslands of the vertisols The carbon biomass and the ecosystem in Vertisol are regulated by herbivory and the nutrient composition. Vertisol is the soil which has the high content of clay known as the montmorillonite. The soil forms deep cracks over the years. The natural vegetations of the vertisols are grassland, savanna. The heavy texture of the soil makes the soil unstable for the growth of plants and crops. The nutrient availability from the vertisols of the tropical grassland It has been shown that the herbivory influences the source of carbon from the vertisols of the savanna grasslands. The nitrogen and the phosphorus are the major nutrient source from the vertisols of tropical grasslands. In Africa, the key determinant of the plant productions and the maintenance of the nutrients level of the vertisols is the rainfall. Grazing can reduce the carbon content of the grasses but enhances the organic matter and the nutrient content. Grazing can improve the quality of the grass by increasing the foliar N and the P. The herbivory accelerates the nutrient cycling and stimulates new shoots regrowth. The natural nutrient cycle is facilitated with the fecal matter deposition can increase the overall nutrient content of vertisols. Thus it is observed that high percentage of the nutrients consumed by the animals while grazing is cycling process. The N of feces does not get volatilized easily in the deposition.(Patel, 2014). P cannot be volatilized easily because of the bad quality drainage system in Vertisols. Thus are less available to the plants. The phosphorus can be made available with the reduction of the absorption into the clays. Increased P uptake will help in more in a regeneration of the tissues of the plants. Thus the foliar N:P content determines the nutrient availability of vertisol for the biomass. The lower N:P ratios of the grassland suggest that the productivity of the open grasslands in tropical areas are in short of nitrogen. While under trees are found in the limitation of phosphorus (Hobbie, 2015). The vegetation growth is not only influenced by the availability of nutrients but alongside mainly requires the water. Mainly the nutrients CO2 and water increase the overall productivity of the soils. The tropical grasslands are more subjected to water stress due to open grasslands for which even if the high amount of nutrients available they cannot be used by the plants (Vourlitis et al, 2015). Plant and soil interaction model for vertisol nutrient availability It is already known that the nitrogen source which highly present in the soil can only be made available by plowing (Bardgett, Mommer De Vries, 2014). There are substantial sources of carbon that can be sequestered in the temperate grassland and can only be found deep below the ground of roots and soil. Good source of carbon is obtained from these grasslands. The deep plant roots of plants in vertisols offer rhizodeposition resulting from the exudation, mucilage formation and the sloughing from the animals. Moreover, these are the reservoir for rhizosphere. Thus the soil nutrition in the vertisols is determined by the plant tissue chemistry, the C: N ratio and the C4 grasses and the not native rhizomatous C3 grasses. The C4 plants show highly slow nitrogen mineralization and the native C3 plants have increased in the rate of the N mineralization (Siebenks Roscher, 2016). Thus the vegetation present there itself maintains the carbon pool of the grasslands because of photosynthesis b y plants. The nutrients are also made available due to the soil microorganisms present. The temperature there is the main reason behind the soil organic nutrient availability. The vegetation is very rich and the soils are highly fertile due to the package of the roots with rhizomes. The soil is available for rich source of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium and iron (Mulligan et al, 2014) . Vertisol grasslands are mainly not suitable for the nutrient uptake. It can be increased artificially to use it for the agricultural purpose. Sequestration of carbon can increase the overall nutrients of the soils. The biological processes that can increase the nutrient availability of the soil are by the accumulation of above and below ground litter, plant rhizodeposits and by products from the decomposers (Hulugalle et al, 2017). Methods that make the availability of the nutrients in vertisols The grasslands of vertisols are the good source of agriculture, alternative agriculture. There are various biological, chemical and physical processes that maintain the management of the center of nutrients in the soil. The essential nutrients can be available with the nutrient cycling. There are the huge amount of minerals required to maintain the growth and development of the vegetation. There could be nutrient rich sediments from the erosion makes the increase in nutrients in the grasslands areas. The weathering of the soil minerals also increases the availability of the micronutrients. The decomposers present there also plays a role in the recycling of the biomass and the decomposition that helps to enhance the organic matter contents which in turn increases the organic nutrients in the soils. The nutrients are also available in different conditions. They could be soluble, readily available or weakly bound forms. The following diagram shows the different ways the nutrients are av ailable in the grasslands. Figure 1- The different ways by which nutrients in soil available to plants (Source- Mulligan et al, 2014) Threats to the nutrients availability in grassland The grasslands are also not free from the depletions of the availability of the nutrient pools from the soil. These include the forest fire, overgrazing, loss of nutrients in the water which is due to excessive rain, erosion, leaching. There could be the primary loss in the nutrients due to gaseous losses to the atmosphere (Lehmann Joseph, 2015). References Bardgett, R. D., Mommer, L., De Vries, F. T. (2014). Going underground: root traits as drivers of ecosystem processes.Trends in Ecology Evolution,29(12), 692-699. Hobbie, S. E. (2015). Plant species effects on nutrient cycling: revisiting litter feedbacks.Trends in ecology evolution,30(6), 357-363. Hulugalle, N. R., Strong, C., McPherson, K., Nachimuthu, G. (2017). Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric ratios under cotton cropping systems in Australian Vertisols: a meta-analysis of seven experiments.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,107(3), 357-367. La Pierre, K. J., Joern, A., Smith, M. D. (2015). Invertebrate, not small vertebrate, herbivory interacts with nutrient availability to impact tallgrass prairie community composition and forb biomass.Oikos,124(7), 842-850. Leff, J. W., Jones, S. E., Prober, S. M., Barbern, A., Borer, E. T., Firn, J. L., ... McCulley, R. L. (2015). Consistent responses of soil microbial communities to elevated nutrient inputs in grasslands across the globe.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,112(35), 10967-10972. Lehmann, J., Joseph, S. (Eds.). (2015).Biochar for environmental management: science, technology and implementation. Routledge. Mulligan, A. A., Luben, R. N., Bhaniani, A., Parry-Smith, D. J., O'Connor, L., Khawaja, A. P., ... Khaw, K. T. (2014). A new tool for converting food frequency questionnaire data into nutrient and food group values: FETA research methods and availability.BMJ open,4(3), e004503. Patel, S. (2014).Integration of nutrient inputs on rice yield, nutrients uptake and availability in a vertisol(Doctoral dissertation, JNKVV). Siebenks, A., Roscher, C. (2016). Functional composition rather than species richness determines root characteristics of experimental grasslands grown at different light and nutrient availability.Plant and soil,404(1-2), 399-412. Vourlitis, G. L., de Almeida Lobo, F., Pinto, O. B., Zappia, A., Dalmagro, H. J., de Arruda, P. H. Z., de Souza Nogueira, J. (2015). Variations in aboveground vegetation structure along a nutrient availability gradient in the Brazilian pantanal.Plant and Soil,389(1-2), 307-321.

Hazing Essay Example For Students

Hazing Essay Hazing: Is it really necessary?: Having never been or wanting to be ina fraternity. I havent figured out why they choose such ridiculous hazingrituals who would want to be ridiculed, humiliated, and/or physically abused bysomeone who will later be your brother. Lives have been taken many timesby these hazing rituals and fraternities still continue to hurt people. If thesepeople are supposed to be your friends, who needs enemies?-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Category:Social IssuesPaper Title:Hazing: Is it really necessary?Text:Hazing: Is it really necessary?Having never been or wanting to be in a fraternity. I havent figured outwhy they choose such ridiculous hazing rituals who would want to be ridiculed,humiliated, and/or physically abused by someone who will later be your brother. Lives have been taken many times by these hazing rituals and fraternities stillcontinue to hurt people. If these people are supposed to be your friends, whoneeds enemies?Hazing has been around for many years and without knowing it, a lot morepeople than one would think have died from hazing and initiations. The firstreported was in 1905 in Lima, Ohio school It was found that WilliamTaylor a 13 year old boy died of pneumonia caused by when classmates put snowdown his back. (Watts/Grolier) As the years have gone by the hazing stillcontinue and were on a rise but slowly becoming useless because so many areputting it down. Hazing is one of the main issues that surround fraternities. Hazing is theinitiating of pledges to drink excessive quantities of alcohol, consume largequantities of food, or submit to beatings with a paddle. Since deaths andserious injuries have come about from hazing most states enact laws prohibitingit. The acts of hazing in all its manifestations are unnecessary and haveproved to cause harm to individuals, families and the careers of promising menand women (Butler, 88)Hazing is not just known in fraternities and sororities. Hazing has beenfound in the military, sports, gangs and now in high schools. Almost half thehigh school students who answered a nationwide survey said they were made to eatdisgusting things, abuse alcohol or drugs or perform humiliating or illegal actsto join athletic teams, the band, even church groups. (Hazings not A3)Younger people have always been taught to look up to their peers. What collegestudents do high school and even middle school students are going to want toimitate what the older students do. They feel that some young teens participatein these hazing rituals to have a since of belonging, it is to bad that youngchildren need to participate in these types of activities just to make them feellike they fit in. The military has the most unheard of hazing rituals. The Marines are givenbasic training week and if you complete the paratroopers training they are giventheir golden wings. The wings are a pin with two half-inch protruding pointson the back. Sometimes, with that military love of macho ritual, the pin is evenproudly thumped into a marines chest to draw a little celebratory blood. (Gleick30) Some marines feel that since pinning has a long history in the corps, and afew young jarheads jokingly call is a Marine sewing circle, insisting thatthe ritual is an integral part of Marine bonding. Someone with something wrongwith them would do such a thing to themselves. Military authorities insist thatthey will do all they can to prevent such hazing in the future. If they thinkthat the leadership of the Marine Corps believes that bating on their fellowMarine makes for a better warrior, theyd better find themselves a newoccupation. Stated an angry general. .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .postImageUrl , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:visited , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:active { border:0!important; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:active , .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764 .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua4957e39e8db99834bbf9c75a94af764:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Harry Potter Essay ThesisAnother group that has hard to believe hazing are gangs, for girl gangs Theyhave to subject themselves to being `jumped in or beaten up by all the girlsin the gang (Vida 80) After the girls are jumped in they are not donewith what they have to do to stay in the gang. Gang girls may be asked to doan armed robbery or kill enemy gang members. (80)Fraternities feel that there is nothing wrong with the hazings or should Isay, initiation traditions are fund and bring a team together. (Shouldsports, 26) The bonding of the brothers is not something that should hurtanyone, and should in the end bring them closer tighter so that they will have afriend for li fe. Not knowing that your friend is actually you enemy and that so many have

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Report On How The Other Half Lives Essays - Five Points, Manhattan

Report On How The Other Half Lives The novel How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis shocked middle and upper class Americans when it was published in 1890. Riis created a sensation when he revealed to the world, combining detailed written descriptions with graphic photographs, the horrific conditions of New York City's tenement housing. How the Other Half Lives raised many questions, such as how and why the poor are subjected to such terrible living conditions and how that environment affects them. Riis also reveals his fears and prejudices toward certain ethnic groups as he investigates each tenement in order to find some kind of solution. The miserable surroundings Riis discusses throughout the length of his entire document focus on the tenement. The tenement is a building, which due to the immigration boom was modified by its landlord to create as many rooms as possible, therefore sacrificing the human necessities of air and light. Riis says, ?Large rooms were partitioned into several smaller ones, without regard to light or ventilation.?(Pg. 69) These rooms were too small to house one family and too dark and stagnant too live in, yet it was common to have as many as three or four families in one ?apartment?! Tenements are the pit of filth, hot, dank and disease ridden. It was very common for a whole building to be wiped out by a disease such as cholera. The tenants were so cramped that many babies died of ?foul air?, the cause of which was no ventilation. Deaths due to the poor condition of the tenement houses were so great the first year tenements were instituted that the death rate in the city nearly doubled. Yet the tenement population kept growing and growing, until one third of New York City's population lived in the tenements. Population was so concentrated and overcrowded in the tenements that New York's East side (where the tenements were located) had the highest population density in the world! Jacob Riis recognized that the ever-increasing lower class was a major problem and would only get worse if the tenement sit uation was not remedied. The tenant's behavior and characteristics reflected those of their surrounding conditions. Their housing was dark and filthy, as were their habits. The most popular hangout of the average tenant was the saloon, and conveniently enough it was usually located on the first floor of the tenement buildings. They hardly bathed or cleaned, and basically lived like animals. Riis was convinced that the nature of the poor's environment was the major factor in the development of their morals and personalities, Riis states: ?An individuals future was shaped ultimately by environmental factors.?(Pg. 29) Although Riis does admit some unfavorable hereditary characteristics also might attribute to keeping a man from success. The tenement was the biggest hindrance to achieving the American myth of rags to riches. It becomes impossible for one to rise up in the social structure when it can be considered a miracle to live passed the age of five. Children under the age of five living in tenements had a death rate of 139.83 compared to the city's overall death rate of 26.67. Even if one did live past the age of five it was highly probable he'd become a criminal, since virtually all of them originate from the tenements. They are forced to steal and murder, they'll do anything to survive, Riis appropriately calls it the ?survival of the unfittest?. (Pg. 40) Riis believed that the tenants had no choice but to behave as they did. The persons Riis holds responsible instead are the landlords. Riis believed the landlord dictated the tenement environment. Riis claimed landlords: ?Frequently urged the filthy habits of the tenants as an excuse for the condition of their property, utterly losing sight of the fact that it was the tolerance of those habits which was the real evil, and that for this they themselves were alone responsible.?(Pg. 64) The tenements were growing worse, their populations increased and their conditions decreased. Riis feared the number of unhappy lower class because of their potential to revolt. Riis believed that a revolt was very probable and offered some solutions to help improve the tenements and keep the poor satisfied. Riis believed that to avoid this possible

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Learn How Separation of Powers Balances the Government

Learn How Separation of Powers Balances the Government The term separation of powers originated with the Baron de Montesquieu, a writer from the 18th-century French enlightenment. However, the actual separation of powers amongst different branches of government can be traced to ancient Greece. The framers of the United States Constitution decided to base the American governmental system on this idea of three separate branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. The three branches are distinct and have checks and balances on each other. In this way, no one branch can gain absolute power or abuse the power they are given. In the United States, the executive branch is headed by the President and includes the bureaucracy. The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts. The Fears of the Framers One of the framers of the U.S. Constitution, Alexander Hamilton was the first American to write of the balances and checks that can be said to characterize the American system of separation of powers. It was James Madisons scheme that differentiated between the executive and legislative branches. By having the legislature divided into two chambers, Madison argued that they would harness political competition into a system that would organize, check, balance, and diffuse power. The framers endowed each branch with distinct dispositional, political, and institutional characteristics, and made them each answerable to different constituencies. The biggest fear of the framers was that the government would be overwhelmed by an imperious, domineering national legislature. The separation of the powers, thought the framers, was a system that would be a machine that would go of itself, and keep that from happening. Challenges to the Separation of Powers Oddly, the framers were wrong from the outset: the separation of powers has not led to a smoothly working government of the branches that compete with one another for power, but rather political alliances across the branches are confined to party lines that hinder the machine from running. Madison saw the president, courts, and Senate as bodies who would work together and fend off power grabs from the other branches. Instead, the division of the citizens, the courts, and the legislative bodies into political parties have pushed those parties in the U.S. government into a perpetual struggle to aggrandize their own power in all three branches. One great challenge to the separation of powers was under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who as part of the New Deal created administrative agencies to lead his various plans for recovery from the Great Depression. Under Roosevelts own control, the agencies wrote rules and effectively created their own court cases. That enabled the agency heads to select optimal enforcement to establish agency policy, and since they were created by the executive branch, that in turn greatly enhanced the power of the presidency. The checks and balances can be preserved, if people pay attention, by the rise and maintenance of a politically insulated civil service, and constraints by Congress and the Supreme Court on agency leaders. Sources Levinson DJ, and Pildes RH. 2006. Separation of Parties, Not Powers. Harvard Law Review 119(8):2311-2386.Michaels JD. 2015. An Enduring, Evolving Separation of Powers. Columbia Law Review 115(3):515-597.Nourse V. 1999. The Vertical Separation of Powers. Duke Law Journal 49(3):749-802.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Immigrants and Public Benefits

Immigrants and Public Benefits A public charge is someone who is dependent on the government for long-term care, cash assistance or income maintenance. As an immigrant, you want to avoid becoming a public charge because it is grounds for inadmissibility and deportation. An immigrant who is likely to become a public charge is inadmissible  and ineligible to become a permanent resident of the United States. An immigrant may be deported if he or she becomes a public charge within 5 years of entering the U.S. It is extremely rare for an immigrant to be deported as a public charge. To keep new immigrants from becoming public charges, the U.S. requires that sponsoring relatives or employers sign a contract (the Affidavit of Support) stating that the sponsored immigrant is not likely to become a public charge. The sponsor also acknowledges that an agency that provides any means-tested benefit to the immigrant may require the immigrants sponsor to reimburse the agency for the amount of the provided benefit. How Someone Becomes a Public Charge If an immigrant receives cash assistance for income maintenance from Social Security Income (SSI), the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program or any state or local cash assistance programs for income maintenancecommonly referred to as means-tested benefitsthese could make a non-citizen a public charge. However, in addition to this, you must also meet additional criteria before a public charge can be determined. USCIS says before an alien can be denied admission to the United States or denied adjustment of status to legal permanent resident based on public charge grounds, a number of factors must be considered...including the alien’s age, health, family status, assets, resources, financial status, education, and skills. No single factorother than the lack of an Affidavit of Support, if requiredwill determine whether an alien is a public charge, including past or current receipt of public cash benefits for income maintenance. An immigrant can be deported if he or she becomes a public charge within 5 years of entering the U.S. and has refused an agencys request for reimbursement of a cash benefit for income maintenance or costs of institutionalization for long-term care. However, removal proceedings will not be initiated if the immigrant can show that the benefit received was for an issue that did not exist prior to entry into the U.S. Public charge determination is made on a case-by-case basis and is not an automatic ticket out of the U.S. How to Avoid Becoming a Public Charge The key here is to be careful with cash assistance and any long-term care. Some assistance programs may provide cash benefits, and this is okay as long as the purpose of the cash assistance is not for income maintenance. For example, if you are given cash as a food stamp benefit instead of the normal paper coupons or e-cards, this would not be considered for public charge purposes because the benefit is not intended for income maintenance. In contrast, Medicaid is not subject to public charge consideration, but if it is used for long-term care such as a nursing home or mental health institution, then it would be used as part of the public charge analysis. Safe Public Benefits and Ones to Avoid To avoid becoming a public charge, immigrants should avoid benefits that provide cash assistance for income maintenance or institutionalization for long-term care. The type of benefit you may use without becoming a public charge is dependent on your immigration status. Each program will have its own eligibility qualifications that must be met in order to participate in the program or receive benefits. Eligibility may also differ from state to state. It is important to check your eligibility with each agency. Public Benefits for New Immigrants Applying forPermanent Residence USCIS states that the following benefits may be used without a public charge penalty by  legal immigrants  who have not yet received their  green card: Health Care Benefits  such as emergency Medicaid, the  Children’s Health Insurance Program  (CHIP), prenatal care, or other free or low-cost medical care at clinics, health centers, or other settings (other than long-term care in a nursing home or similar institution)Food Programs  such as WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children), school meals, or other food assistanceNon-Cash Programs  such as public housing, child care, energy assistance, disaster relief, Head Start, or job training or counseling New immigrants should stay away from the following benefits to avoid a public charge determination. USCIS will consider your participation in the following when deciding whether or not to issue a green card: Cash Welfare  such as  Supplemental Security Income  (SSI), cash Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and state and local cash assistance programs for income maintenance (often called state General Assistance)Institutionalization  for long-term care, such as residing in a nursing home or mental health facility at government expense Public Benefits for Green Card Holders Legal permanent residentsgreen card holderswill not lose their status through public charge by using the following provided by USCIS: Health Care Benefits  such as emergency Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), prenatal care, or other free or low-cost medical care at clinics, health centers, or other settings (other than long-term care in a nursing home or similar institution)Food Programs  such as Food Stamps, WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children), school meals, or other food assistanceNon-Cash Programs  such as public housing, child care, energy assistance, disaster relief, Head Start, or job training or counseling*Cash Welfare  such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), cash Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and state and local cash assistance programs for income maintenance (often called state General Assistance)*Institutionalization  for long-term care, such as residing in a nursing home or mental health facility at government expense Take note:  A green card holder who leaves the U.S. for more than 6 months at one time may be asked questions upon re-entry to determine if they are a public charge. At this point, use of cash welfare or long-term care will be carefully considered in deciding admissibility.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Prep 7 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Prep 7 - Coursework Example The environment has a strong influence when it comes to gene expression. For example, the mixture of genes he inherits and the environment, he interacts with determines the personality of an individual. Various environmental cues can alter the gene expression. They are the extracellular and intracellular concentrations of different ions (Dawkins, 1999). Reaction norms could be used to understand phenotype plasticity in the below manner. Phenotype plasticity shows the degree to which the phenotype of an organism is. The response patterns display the relationship between the genotype and phenotype (Dawkins, 1999). The variability could be structural variations and copy number variations. The difference between broad sense and narrow sense heritability is that the general sense shows the genetic contributions to the phenotype variance of a population and the strict sense does not reflect genetic contributions. Heritability is measured by coming up with the relative contributions of non-genetic and genetic differences to the total phenotypic variation in a population (Dawkins, 1999).The narrow sense heritability and the strength of selection work together in a manner that their response is since they are necessary for selecting (Dawkins,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Emergency preparedness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emergency preparedness - Assignment Example Risk and vulnerability assessment is the process of investigating whether or not there is a risk or threat that poses danger to a specific institution. This is done by security personnel who look at a threat, vulnerability, and consequences of a suspected risk (Threat/Vulnerability Assessments and Risk Analysis, n.d.). Some of the major needs of a Healthcare Organization would be a complete set of medical equipments, tools, drugs; enough space to accommodate people; and most especially a group of knowledgeable and skilled nurses and doctors. On the other hand, a healthcare organization’s major responsibility during an emergency would be to be able to provide initial treatment to ease the pain or even save a life during the most crucial time, before a patient’s condition is stabilized. Emergency preparedness is all about foreseeing all the possible risks or threats that could happen with regard to a certain activity, event, or in a certain location. On the other hand, disasters are damages that could be caused by nature or man. However, though there are disasters we cannot contemplate such as some earthquakes, there are also some natural disasters that we can contemplate such as tsunamis being caused by an earthquake aftershock or a typhoon caused by global warming. Man-made caused disasters, for me, are a result of carelessness or irresponsibility which we can totally

Friday, January 24, 2020

Angina Pectoris :: essays research papers

Angina Pectoris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Angina pectoris is a medical condition that literally means a choked chest. The victim feels acute pain in his chest for a few seconds, and then it goes away. This occurs when myocardium cells, the muscle portion of your heart, are temporarily denied oxygen. At this stage they do not die, but maybe weakened. If left untreated and the disease continues, a serious condition known as myocardial infraction or commonly called a heart attack may occur. This can severely damage the heart's functionality. Which in turn effects our well being. We should be educated about the risks that go along with our cardiovascular system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most common cause of the condition angina pectoris is over consumption of cholesterol. This chemical is only needed in minute amounts, but is often eaten in every meal. In the body, cholesterol is responsible for the stability of plasma membranes of cells, and hormones are produced from it. If consumed at higher rate then needed it is stored in the tunica interna, the innermost layer, of blood vessels. As it is stored it starts to build up eventually clogging the vessel. As a result of this all cells feed by the vessel die because of a lack of oxygen. If this condition is found early, it can be corrected with surgical procedures or, in some minor cases, corrective procedures. Surgical procedures include bypass, laser and balloon surgery. In bypass surgery a vein is removed from the lower leg and a clogged vessel is worked around. Often in type of surgery the whole mid section of the body is cut and the ribs are pulled back, very painful with a very slow recovery. Some hospitals have now implemented a new technique where only a small hole is made and everything is done via a view screen. In balloon surgery a balloon is inserted into the vessel with the clog and is inflated. When this occurs the vessel is damaged, this causes the cells to repair the damage and clear the clog. This is not as successful as other surgery techniques and is often done several times before a positive result is seen. Laser surgery is the most recent development. Here they use a laser to actually scrape the build up from the vessel. This surgery is one of the most expensive surgeries available today. Corrective procedures include changes in lifestyle. These can include food intake, exercise, and stress-related issues. Food intake is largely the answer to correcting this situation. As shown above excessive intake of cholesterol can increase the risk of a heart attack.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Implementing electronic document and record management systems. Samsung company Essay

Samsung is a multinational conglomerate company located in Samsung town, South Korea. I work in the sales and marketing department where I manage six staff members. I am also in charge of human, finance and physical resources management which help me to achieve the objectives. Management requires constant development and planning. Other resources usually used by managers to achieve their objectives include; physical resources such as equipment, computers, tools, land, vehicles and buildings. Human resources include; personal and partner skills, team morale, workers experience, workers loyalty, employee’s skills and competence, as well as team work morals. Financial resources required include capacity to raise money, cash, current credit availability, cash equivalents and credit lines with financial institutions (Liao, 2009). In order to identify the type and quantity of resources required in Samsung, the company analyses the business plans and carefully breakdown its objectives in the resources required to achieve them. Samsung plans to attain $400 billion in sales by 2020 thus the company may need human resources of sales person with extensive sales experience, high work ethnic and customer contact details. The company requires physical resources such as computer, vehicle, and mobile phone. Finally, the company might require $X cash to finance the selling expenses and the wages until break-even point is achieved. Listing and summarizing the resources required to achieve every objective is vital since it will enable the company to have all the required resources. Samsung new strategy and vision include finding new markets for their high-tech electronic goods. Samsung also strive to secure a competitive advantage in businesses such as mobile hand set, memory chips, and LCD panels. Samsung also Endeavour to follow a market driven system by studying consumer preferences. Samsung lays more efforts in finding the required resources to achieve their objectives. This will ensure the company becomes one of the ten summit companies in the world in stipulations of annual sales (BarceloÃÅ', 2007). Task 2 Resource Time frame Quantity Cost/budget Human resource Worker’s knowledge Worker’s experience & proficiency Team drive Panel morals Employee reliability Private & cohort skills 12 months Samsung Electronics’ overall global employment level stands at 161,700, which is broken down into 84,464 workers in Korea (80,084 regular employees, 900 contract workers, 3,356 internship employees and 124 in other categories) and 77,236 in foreign countries(65,746 regular laborers;2,008 contract employees, 4,483 intern employees and 4,999 short-term workers) $x cash Physical resources Tools Vehicles Equipment Land Buildings Computers 12 months Appropriate number of physical resources. $y cash             The objectives should be smart. This implies that they are specific, measurable, acceptable, and realistic and can be achieved within a given time frame. Targets are very crucial in a business since every stakeholder of the company knows what they should achieve and when they need to achieve the objective. Planning involves determining the number and competence of the employees to be hired in different departments. The manager then allocates responsibilities to the workers depending on their skills and experience. Team morale and team morals are other crucial factors to consider. The company should change rapidly owing to the fact that the world is experiencing drift changes. In order to achieve the objectives the manager should acknowledge the need for constant revision and integration of the existing skills. Managers should know how to motivate their employees as well as building an appropriate team (Autry & Goldsby, 2013). The manager should also allocate the resources equally and in a transparent manner. The objective should align with the company strategy as well as ensuring that the company maintains competitive advantage. The manager should choose an appropriate set of human and physical resources since they are very vital in planning process aimed at achieving the company objective. Employees who are experienced and competent will work appropriately such that they will not incur extra cost apart from their wages. This will ensure that the company reduces their expenses. On the other hand, appropriate allocation of physical resources such as machine, adequate and strategically placed working areas, tools and equipment will ensure that workers have adequate equipments which will lead to an increase in productivity. Samsung Company will be able to achieve its objective by reducing costs while increasing its sales and annual revenue (Liao, 2009). Experienced and competent employees have good customer relations which will ensure that the company will retain the existing customers as well as attract more customers. Skilled and highly motivated employees will lead to production of superior products which will attract more customers. Proper allocation of physical resources will ensure that the company has excellent customer service, and increased customer loyalty. Samsung does not involve their employees in long working hours since they believe in innovation instead of command or control. They believe that their employees are competent and thus by employing the required resources, they will be able to produce high-tech digital products. The managers also believe in constant development and investment which will enable them to achieve their objectives. The associated costs to human resources is the wages to the employees while costs incurred in physical resources is the cost of tools and equipments, as well as the cost of building and maintenance of the company (BarceloÃÅ', 2007). Task 3             The company hires employees from all over the world. The hiring process is transparent and provides equal chances to experienced and highly skilled workers. Samsung plans to invest more in human resources since its digital and innovative management depends on its highly trained employees. The company should also invest more in training programs. The company should also allocate more funds to equipments, training and education programs. Hiring qualified personnel will ensure production of high quality products as well as growth of technology innovation. This will enable the company to retain its competitive advantage. Samsung usually purchase its equipments abroad. New equipment calls for highly skilled employees to operate the machines. Physical resources include tangible resources; they include the manufacturing plant equipments, land, and equipments. Samsung is based in China with almost 78 other branches in other countries. Samsung is the leading company in technology and they are famous as producers of high-tech digital products. Production resources include information technology resources and production resources. The company should invest more in physical products since they help in manufacturing of the products. The company should invest more in educating and training the employees which enables to have reliable supply of human resources. To ensure constant supply of the physical resources, the company should ensure that the company has competent and high skilled workers who are able to develop software and other integrated products that will attract customers. The company should also provide adequate plant equipments as well as adequate land to build more joint companies (Bowersox & Cooper, 2007). Task 4             Supply management is more than acquiring goods and services at an appropriate price. It involves recognizing possible disruptions to the supply chain and taking necessary approach to alleviate them. There are several steps that the company applies to develop a plan for dealing with potential supply disruptions. The company identifies the life cycle of every service and product that the company manufactures. Samsung Company chairman is famous for his forecasting and deciding power. This is very crucial to the company since it enable it access the financial impact that can be caused by supply disruption (Autry & Goldsby, 2013). Supply risk is an external risk which is the disturbances to the flow of product within the company supply chain. The company is very keen on the supplier base. The company is able to identify every raw material needed, recognize the strategic suppliers to the company and recognize strategic raw materials. The company is also more focused to vulnerability where the company identifies the probable risks to take place, their cause and the possible remedies. The company also recognizes the probable implications of the supply disruptions by good understanding of the vulnerable risks. Mitigation is whereby the company set targets and goals and how to accomplish them. For example, if there is supply disruption of material A, purchase orders will be placed with alternative supply source within 24 hours to ensure there is no disruption of supply of material A (Autry & Goldsby, 2013). The company also uses cost and benefit analysis to assess risk and uncertainty. This helps the company to measure the value at risk. The company thus implements appropriate actions and measures to combat the supply disruptions at all levels in the company. Appropriate handling of the supply disruptions has enabled the growth of Samsung Company. Task 5             The company understanding of risk and uncertainty helps them in decision making regarding record management. The company is able to make informed choices regarding security and privacy policies that they use in the company. Regardless of the format, human and physical resources are subject to the risk of inappropriate access. The company records both human and physical resources in paper and electronic records. Human resources and physical resources records are very risky and should be subject to inappropriate access to avoid alterations and other modifications. Paper records of human and physical resources are susceptible to intentional and accidental inappropriate access and thus they should be secured by isolating records into separate protected storage locations, recording sign in and sign out programs, and restricting physical access to storage areas. Electronic records of human and physical resources can also be risky but the company has come up with necessary measures to combat the inappropriate of electronic records. The company develops measured to prevent hacker bypass access and control of user credentials. The paper records deteriorate slowly necessitating regular creation of new copies. Electronic records on the other hand can degrade disastrously calling for appropriate computing technologies. The loss of information might be very costly since sometimes it might be impossible to retrieve the lost data (Adam, 2008). The risk of losing human resources data and physical data makes the company very cautious when it comes to the issue of handling paper and electronic records. The company keeps updating the records of human and physical resources which will enable future use of the data to enable the company achieve its objectives. Human and physical records are very crucial since they will be used to Plan Company’s future of expansion. However, the company should be aware of the vulnerable risks that can occur and thus come up with appropriate reforms for sustainability. References Adam, A. (2008). Implementing electronic document and record management systems. Boca Raton: Auerbach Publications. Autry, C. W., & Goldsby, T. J. (2013). Global macrotrends and their impact on supply chain management: Strategies for gaining competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: FT Press. BarceloÃÅ' , D. (2007). Sustainable management of sediment resources. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., & Cooper, M. B. (2007). Supply chain logistics management (2nd ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Liao, H. (2009). Research in personnel and human resources management. Bingley: Emerald/Jai. Source document